The ScannerCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add(LambdaExpression, Boolean, Boolean, IndexingAlgorithm, CultureInfo)
Creates a new index and adds it to the collection of indexes.
Public method Add<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>))
Creates a new index and adds it to the collection of indexes.
Public method Add<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>), Boolean)
Creates a new index and adds it to the collection of indexes.
Public method Add<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>), Boolean, Boolean)
Creates a new index and adds it to the collection of indexes.
Public method Add<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>), Boolean, Boolean, CultureInfo)
Creates a new index and adds it to the collection of indexes.
Public method Add<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>), Boolean, Boolean, IndexingAlgorithm, CultureInfo)
Creates a new index and adds it to the collection of indexes.
Public method Clear
Clears the collection of all indexes. All indexes are detached from the indexed collection and destroyed.
Public method Contains(LambdaExpression)
Determines whether an index with the specified key selector exists in the collection.
Public method Contains<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>))
Determines whether an index with the specified key selector exists in the collection.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Find(LambdaExpression)
Finds an index in the collection by its key selector.
Public method Find<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>))
Finds an index in the collection by its key selector.
Public method GetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the ScannerCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)>.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Remove(LambdaExpression)
Removes an index from the collection.
Public method Remove<(Of <<'(TKey>)>>)(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(T, TKey>)>>)>)>>))
Removes an index from the collection.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public property Count
Gets the number of indexes in the collection.

Explicit Interface Implementations

See Also